Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year

So its a New Year, and I'm LOVING IT! I feel energized and very hopeful. I don't have resolutions, even better...I have goals with an action plan (a working draft, but I'm WORKIN' it). Of course, my alter ego (wow, she really needs a name) will not allow herself to feel restricted by a spontaniety will be a key element all year long!

So what have I done so far......
1. Meet a new friend for dinner
2. Went to an open mic poetry @ Busboys & Poets
3. Started working on my $ plan
4. Emptied my voicemail box (lots of friends were happy about that)
5. Been sleeping in my bed instead of on the sofa
6. Planned a swap party with friends

A few misses.....
1. Still haven't taken down the x-mas decor & tree
2. Stalled on re-organizing my home office
3. I still go to sleep pretty late
4. Need to get more regular on my blogs & catch up on my Blogging for Dummies reading

More to come y'all!

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