Friday, January 8, 2010

Feelin' Better Y'all

Just a quick note....obviously I haven't fallen asleep yet, but I drank some tension tamer tea, and then went on YouTube to listen to a couple of my favorite artists....Ms. Beyonce (of course) and Anthony David. is healing. I'll have to remember that!

Feelin' better y'all.

I'm Feelin' "Some Kinda Way"!

Brace yourselves...I imgagine that this won't be my happiest post ever. I've got the blues. I skipped my workout Thursday, and worked late instead (and I still didn't make much of a dent in my To Do List). Then I fell asleep on the sofa with the TV on, a big NO, NO for me! Woke up groggy, sore, and behind schedule on Friday. Next, I proceeded to do the following:
-Didn't drink any water all day
-Snacked on potato chips
-Had nachos for lunch
-Worked late again, and the To Do List still grows (sigh)
-Bought junk food from CVS
-Got a combo meal from Micky D's

While all this went on Friday, twice I was confronted with a quote that essentially says "Excellence is not an act, its a habit". Surely I was meant to marinate on this. Habits are hard to break, they are very powerful. As I reflect on my poor choices (particularly seeing it in writing), I realize that one bad decision can easily and quickly lead to another. I'm also beginning to believe these bad habits can wear on my emotions too. I was feeling....blah. Started to think about being lonely, overweight, and plain, and boring. On another note, I think I'm PMSing too! I think I will research some herbal remedies.

So as my emotions began to build inside me and I felt a tear begin to form, I asked myself "What should I do now"? So I wrote, and I feel a little better. Thank goodness!

Next, I will go to sleep in my bed. Then I will wake up, eat breakfast, and then go workout at boot camp (shout out to my workout buddy Leticia)! After that, I'm not sure but I hope to feel even better! I believe I will......

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year

So its a New Year, and I'm LOVING IT! I feel energized and very hopeful. I don't have resolutions, even better...I have goals with an action plan (a working draft, but I'm WORKIN' it). Of course, my alter ego (wow, she really needs a name) will not allow herself to feel restricted by a spontaniety will be a key element all year long!

So what have I done so far......
1. Meet a new friend for dinner
2. Went to an open mic poetry @ Busboys & Poets
3. Started working on my $ plan
4. Emptied my voicemail box (lots of friends were happy about that)
5. Been sleeping in my bed instead of on the sofa
6. Planned a swap party with friends

A few misses.....
1. Still haven't taken down the x-mas decor & tree
2. Stalled on re-organizing my home office
3. I still go to sleep pretty late
4. Need to get more regular on my blogs & catch up on my Blogging for Dummies reading

More to come y'all!