Monday, August 2, 2010

NeoSoul Experiment - Day 2 Reflection

How are things going in Day 2? Did you focus on the same practices? Did you try new ones? Are you finding the experience difficult? easy? uncomfortable? What are your intentions for Day 3? Share your comments!


  1. I'm off to a bumpy start. Have a little family drama going on which is taking my time & focus. I am making an effort to get back on track tomorrow.

  2. I hope things get better for your family....sending y'all positive vibes! Looking forward to your comeback!

  3. Thanks! I made it a point to get back on track today. Handled the family biz earlier and drank 13oz of water while doing so. On my lunch hour, instead of goofing off on Twitter, I read a few chapters of Proverbs. This afternoon, I will tidy up my work space. And I will be in bed early tonight w/ 30 mins of quiet time before dozing off. Need to get some karma in before the week is up ;)

  4. Hey There!

    I'm finding it difficult to stay away from technology late at night before I go to bed. Thinking I should start reading before bed.

  5. Those technology withdrawal symptoms are something huh?! Maybe try a more gradual approach and refrain from technology 30 minutes before bed? I think reading is a good idea too....just make it leisure reading, remember you are tryiing to relax!
